Salad Bar Beef & Pigaerator Pork 6-hour Seminar

Where conventional cattle-ranching can be a recipe for erosion and land degradation, Joel’s plan for raising Salad Bar Beef  and Pigaerator Pork transforms a low-cost, low-quality property into lush, fertile pastures for prime livestock! Starting with the design of your farm – from landscape design, to water management, to road placement – Joel reveals all his secrets on Disks 9, 10, 11 &12: corralling and moving your herds between pastures and paddocks… winter housing and feeding…even building soil fertility with composting, manure management, and pigaerating. And yes, Joel looks at the practicalities of transforming live animals to gourmet meat – from grass-finishing to assuring comfort to dealing with adrenaline and enzymes after death – to yield products that will have cordon bleu chefs lining up at your door!

Disk 9: Biomass Accumulation Restart Buttons

Disk 10: Fence, Access & Water

Disk 11: Grass Finishing

Disk 12: Leasing Land

How successful can you be in this business, you ask?

Whether you learn through hearing or seeing, these DVDs will answer your needs. Joel enhances his talks with whiteboard diagrams to show just how Polyface works, from livestock management to soil restoration. Whether he’s explaining cattle-herding, pig enclosure, or farm economics he illustrates his points in easy-to-understand sketches that leave clear and unforgettable insights.

See the feedback from students of the real-time Salatin Semester…
  • Joel Salatin is a wealth of knowledge.  His course saved me thousands of dollars in mistakes I would have made getting started with my farming operation!

    Sarah Curtis
    Sarah CurtisAcreage Owner (Okotoks, AB)
  • The course with Joel Salatin inspired me to grow more of my own food and preserve it; to patronize local farmers directly; and to think in a new way about how to restore soil –seems like pasture-fed herbivores do the best job of that. This course was well worth it. Well done - I highly recommend Verge courses!  

    Laureen Rama
    Laureen RamaEco-Friendly Landscaper (Calgary, AB)
  • The knowledge I gained from listening to Joel was priceless. He is extremely articulate, philosophical, passionate, creative, inspirational and intelligent.

    Joey Halter
    Joey HalterGentleman Farmer (Olds, AB)
  • There are few people who can inspire you inaction while preaching about cow, pig, turkey, sheep, chicken and rabbit s***. But that's what Joel Salatin does. If you're read his other works, listened to podcasts and still had the question, "But how do I farm like this?" this is for you. Not only a compiled book of global farmers' experiences, tweaks and hacks on Joel's work, it also includes three days of education that Joel provided. Produced as it was being filmed, the video gives you a sense of being in the audience. The editing on the book is well completed and helps the reader with a "detailed contents" section in the back. Overall I haven't seen another product like this that covers what Polyfaces (Joel's farm) does as well.

    Anonymous Amazon Customer
  • The best bang-for-my-buck educational experience that I have had.

    Edward Pomicter, MD
    Edward Pomicter, MDAnesthesiologist, Organic Food Manfacturer, Farmer in Evolution (Shelburne, VT)
  • My overall take on The Salatin Semester is that it is a really good investment for anyone willing to put some serious hours of their own into becoming better farmers. (See the full review here.)

    Jordan Marr
    Jordan MarrThe Ruminant Podcast
  • I would love to get The Salatin Semester into the hands of [...] friends, and everyone dedicated to the small family farm, to give them the tools they need to make positive changes to their farmsteads. For the health of the planet (and my stressed out friends), I believe that food production has to evolve back to local diversified production, and people like Joel Salatin and the team at Verge Permaculture are helping to lead the way. (Read the full review here).

    Laurie Nevermen
    Laurie Nevermen Common Sense Homesteading
  • It was amazing and beyond my expectations. I learned more about how to run a business in this farming workshop than I ever dreamed. Joel's work and philosophies are applicable to many of life's domains.

    Karen Anderson, Calgary Food Tours
    Karen Anderson, Calgary Food ToursFood Tour Operator (Calgary, AB)
  • There are few people who can inspire you inaction while preaching about cow, pig, turkey, sheep, chicken and rabbit s***. But that's what Joel Salatin does. If you're read his other works, listened to podcasts and still had the question, "But how do I farm like this?" this is for you. Not only a compiled book of global farmers' experiences, tweaks and hacks on Joel's work, it also includes three days of education that Joel provided. Produced as it was being filmed, the video gives you a sense of being in the audience. The editing on the book is well completed and helps the reader with a "detailed contents" section in the back. Overall I haven't seen another product like this that covers what Polyfaces (Joel's farm) does as well.

    Javan Kerby Bernakevitch
    Javan Kerby BernakevitchAll Points Land Design
  • What a package this is. The content is also totally stellar. I've been a huge fan of Salatin for years, and this is hands down one of the best products he's ever been involved with.

    Curtis Stone
    Curtis StoneGreen City Acres
  • The Joel Salatin three day workshop was the most important and influential event I’ve ever been to as a young agricultural producer. Spanning subjects from the ideology of sustainable farming, sales and marketing advice from a successful farmer, to the nitty gritty details of how to make a successful farm operation work; Joel’s content was clearly meant to empower others to succeed in sustainable agriculture. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in sustainable food production, especially producers; but consumers would enjoy Joel’s entertaining presentation for its high quality content and humorous delivery as well.
    Bridget Lacey
    Bridget LaceySustainable Farmer (Turner Valley, AB)
  • Joel Salatin has shown that there is a viable working proof of concept for a truly sustainable agriculture enterprise that is healthy for the planet, the people and the pocket book. I was excited and pleased to attend the workshops hosted by Verge Permaculture, and was truly impressed with the quality of the event. The combination of an excellent speaker and a tightly run ship made this incredibly valuable and will help my family transition into our future agriculture enterprises.

    Marcus Riedner, Happiness By the Acre
    Marcus Riedner, Happiness By the AcreUrban Farmer (Calgary, AB)
  • I was very intimidated to try a “non-traditional” way of farming, but this course has given me the confidence and tools that I need to build a successful biodynamic farm. I now know that it is possible to farm while having a positive impact on my surrounding environment! Thanks Joel and Verge!

    Farah Fox
    Farah FoxElectrician (Prince Albert, SK)
  • If you want to get serious about farming (especially for a living), there's now a definitive guide from Joel Salatin himself, The Salatin Semester. I've had a chance to peek inside this course and believe it's MOST of the info you would need to be a successful (sustainable) farmer.

    Justin Rhodes
    Justin RhodesAbundant Permaculture
  • Managing your own farm is often a balance of calling on the inspiration of individuals like Salatin, on the experience of other farmers - like the voices that come through in this study guide, and on the knowledge you have of your own locale.  The Salatin Semester brings together all three providing support and confidence to new and experienced farmers, alike.
    Brenda Barritt
    Brenda BarrittEarth Works Farm (AB, Canada)
  • Attending a 3 day Salatin workshop was a profound and inspiring experience for us – but a huge amount of info to process and retain! Thankfully the diverse, practical wisdom and experiences so clearly and effectively expressed in The Salatin Semester continue to provide and reinforce great farming principals and support the ongoing improvements we are making in our work and our lives.

    Janet Marshall, Riverridge Farms
    Janet Marshall, Riverridge FarmsFarmer (DeWinton, AB)
  • If you want a detailed tour-de-force of the Salatin farm, this is it. I cannot recommend this enough. You will learn more than you realize you learned! I write and teach permaculture, and this is a wonderful in-depth case study on holistic management, raising cattle, raising multiple species of animals, and building soil.

    Matt Powers
    Matt PowersThe Permaculture Student
  • Joel was the most engaging speaker that I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.  He was so passionate, intelligent, articulate and delivered his message with so much enthusiasm!!  I left the course more inspired than I ever have been about farming and raising food!  I feel the knowledge I gained participating in this course was far greater than the amount I paid to participate.  Thank you Verge for bringing in such a wonderful instructor.

    Holly FranklinEquine Sports Therapist (Saskatoon, SK)
  • It was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm very inspired and have been feeling more like my dream is within reach.

    Cheryl Greisinger
    Cheryl GreisingerAcreage Owner (Millarville, AB)
  • This is a seriously useful resource. Short of spending days (and days!) with Joel Salatin in person, this package is a great substitute for anyone wanting an in-depth overview of Polyface Faming systems, as well as the nuts-and-bolts side of the animal enterprises. We'd recommend this to anyone wanting to dive into polyface-style farming.

    Nick Ritar
    Nick RitarMilkwood Permaculture
  • With this course, Verge provided me with a full toolbox and confidence to go & make a difference for this and future generations.

    Fernando Spalding
    Fernando SpaldingBusiness Manager (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
  • I loved getting the 'big picture', by attending all three days of Joel's presentation - find myself looking at my farm in a new light. I am reminded that the more I learn, the more I have yet to find out - here's to Joel for a great three days of thought-provoking information in an entertaining, fast moving presentation. Anyone on an acreage or farm would benefit from this course.

    Lynn Ings
    Lynn IngsWould-be-Farmer (Bluffton, AB)